Moududi's Arrogant Remarks on Prophets and Sahabas (These show us why the Jama'atis and Shibir
are so far away from the real Islam preached and practiced by the Prophet (SA) and his followers.)
and rejecting Prophet's (SA) saying regarding Dajjal:
Maudoodi said in
his book Rasaa‘il wa Masaa‘il (p. 57), published in 1351H, “The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) used to think that the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ)
would come out in his time, or close to his time. However, 1350 years passed away and many long generations came and went,
yet the Dajjaal did not come out. So it is confirmed that what the Prophet (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) thought did
not prove true!!”
And Maudoodi added
to the edition published in 1362H, “Indeed,
1350 years have passed…yet the Dajjaal has not come out, so this is the reality.”
So this is a clear rejection
of the emergence of the Dajjaal, whose emergence has been narrated concurrently (tawaatur) in authentic ahaadeeth.
And Maudoodi said
(p. 55), “It is confirmed
that everything which is related in the ahaadeeth of the Prophet (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) concerning the Dajjaal
is the opinion and analogical deduction of the Prophet (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam), and it is a doubtful misgiving
from his affair.”
So is this not a
rejection of the Dajjaal? Is this not a denial of the narration of the Messenger (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam), about
which Allaah said, “And he does not speak from
his own desire. It is revelation inspired to him.” [Sura Najm 53:3-4]
And Maudoodi says
in Arba’ah Mustalahaatul-Qur‘aanil-Asaasiyyah (p. 156), "Allaah the Glorified commanded him (sallAllaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) in Sura Nasr to
repent to his Lord due to what emanated from him in deficiencies and shortcomings in distributing the shares."
: al-Ijwibatul-Mufeedah (p. 92) by Jamaal
Ibn Fareehaan al-Haarithee Translated By : Maaz Qureshi )
Moududi's other remarks:
Moududi has made many audacious comments about many prophets, followers of prophets, Imams and Muslim scholars.
Here are a few extracts as instances from his different write-ups:
All Imams and Islamic scholars entertain same view about the innocence of prophets. But
only Moududi expresses different view: To be innocent is not a natural virtue for the prophets. Rather Allah has strategically
kept them safe from faults and deviation in order to enable them to correctly perform the responsibility of prophet-hood.
Had the protection of Allah been revoked from them for a moment, they might have fallen into errors like ordinary men. Here
is a subtle issue that, the Almighty Allah withdrew his protection at some times or other times, from ever prophet, allowing
him to indulge in one or two sins, so that men do not identify the prophets with Allah and understand that they are also very
much human beings. (Tafhimat, part II, Page 43---Moududi).
Such comment of Moududi does not need any explanation. It is very clear. He has expressed
absolute wrong and discarded ideas in the name of Islam. He has displayed the audacity of staining the innocent character
of different prophets in his bid to justify such comments. As regards to Hazrat Musa (AS), Moududi has said, "Before becoming
a prophet, Hazarat Musa (AS) committed a big sin. He killed a man." (Rasaal and Masael, Part I pgae 31-Moududi).
While interpreting an ayaat of the Holy Quran, Mr. Moududi said about Hazrat Ibrahim (AS),
"Here arises another question that, on watching the star when Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) said, it is my Lord and when watching
the Sun and the Moon designated those as his Lord, then did not he subject himself to the shirk (sin of comparing with God)
temporarily?" (Tafhimul Quran, Part I, P-558).
Mr. Moududi has said about Hazrat Yunus (AS) in his tafsir, "It clearly appears from
a detailed analysis of the indications in the Holy Quran and the book of Yunus that Hazrat Yunus (AS) had little lapses
or negligence in discharging the responsibility of prophethood. Probably, he became impatient and left the residence before
the right time." (ibid, Sura Yunus).
Here Mr. Moududi has charged three accusations upon Hazrat Yunus (AS). First, he neglected
to discharge the responsibility of prophethood. Secondly, he became impatient and left the residence before the time fixed
by Allah. Thirdly, he did not fulfill the evidence (Huzzat) of Allah to his own community.
Mr. Moududi has compared Hazrat Yusuf (AS) with the dictator of the twentieth century Mussolini.
He has equaled the status of Hazrat Yusuf (AS) to that of Musolini! He said, "Yusuf's (AS) claim was not merely restricted
to the prayer for the portfolio of the Ministry of Finance, as deemed by some people. That was rather for gaining the dictatorship.
As a result, the status that Hazrat Yusuf (AS) achieved, was rather similar to that of the Musolini of this day." (Tafhimat,
part II, P-112).
Mr. Moududi has said about Hazrat Daud (AS), "It naturally establishes that, the deed
that was done by him (Hazrat Daud) had somewhat the influence of his evil inclination. That also had some link to his inconsistent
manner as a ruler. And that was such a deed, as was unbecoming of an upright ruler." (Tafhimul Quran, Part IV, P-227).
Allah has stated with significance in the Holy Quran about his favour to Hazrat Daud (AS).
Allah has highly praised Hazrat Daud (AS). But Mr. Moududi had shown the audacity
to comment on this prophet of great honour so as to say that he (Daud (AS)), was influenced by evil propensity, and misused
power. No conscientious man can help being surprised to see such discarded thoughts of Mr. Moududi.
Moududi has also criticized the Great Prophet (pbuh) in his different write-ups and has
made audacious remarks about him. In the contest of discussion about Hadiths relating to Dazzal, he said, "The speeches
that have been stated in the Hadith from Hazrat in this connection, were mainly his deductions. He himself was skeptic about
those. He said all that not on the basis of revelations, but on surmises." (Rasyel and Masayel, P-55-56).
Mr. Moududi has said about Hadith of Great Prophet (pbuh), "Hadith has been handed
down from man to man in oral tradition. Those can at best be surmised as correct, but can not be strongly believed. And it
is clear that, Allah do not like endangering people by depending on descriptions of a few people about important matters of
the religion of Allah that differentiate between the believers and non-believers." (ibid, P. 67).
Mr. Moududi has said about evaluation of the Holy Quran, "The Quran karim is enough
for guidance, but not for salvation." (Tafhimat, Part I, P-312)
From the angle of Islam, temporal well-being and salvation of the life hereafter is the
only objective of adopting guidance or the right path. In view of Mr. Moududi, The Holy Quran is sufficient for guidance,
but not for salvation. What an audacious remark about the Holy Book of Allah! Question naturally arises from such peculiar
comments of him, should then human beings follow another religious book for salvation? Are those the write-ups of Moududi?
Probably he intended to mean that tactfully, though he does not dare to say that straightway.
The Status of Sahabas (followers) are after the that of prophets. The Great Prophet (pbuh)
has said about them, "My sahabas are like the stars. Whomsoever of them you follow, you will gain the right path." Whereas
the sahabas, praised by the Great Prophet, have not been exempted from the criticism of Moulana Moududi. He has said about
them, After the teaching and guidance of the long time, the Prophet (pbuh) used to bring them to the battle field. Though
the great revolution was depicted in their mind and mentality, the sahabas used to commit mistakes repeatedly in understanding
the basic significance of Jeehad (Holy War). (Tarzamanul Quran, Rabiussani, 1357H.).
Mr. Moududi has said about the sahabas, "Many of the sahabas have described hadiths
as they feel like." (Tarzamanul Quran, 35th (edition).
"Bad habits of the era of ignorance were repeated in sahabas." (Tafhimat, Part
II, P-155).
"Sometimes mental weakness also used to prevail over the sahabas. They used to attack
and abuse each other." (Tarzamanual Quran, 3rd edition).
Mr. Moududi has written about the first Caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.), "Islam
has commanded man not to be influenced by passions. It is a very delicate matter. Once even Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique, a man
free from passions, fearful of and devoted to Allah, also failed to fulfill that." (ibid).
In the same edition of Tarzamanul Quran, Mr. Moududi has said about Hazrat Omar (R.), "The
world used to bow down head before the each High, and each spiritually elevated person was used to be considered at some higher
position than commoners. Sometimes, the path of abolition of the influence of such impression would become clear---, Probably,
such impression of individual supremacy subdued Hazrat Omar for sometime at the time of death of the Prophet of Allah."
In context of the description of onslaught by the Jaheliat (the ignorant) on the Caliphate
of the four Caliphs, Mr. Moududi has said criticizing Hazrat Osman, "On the one hand the job was becoming increasingly
harder because of the fast expansion of the Islamic State, on the other hand, Hazrat Osman, in whom was reposed the load of
this tough job, was not in possession of that much capability and traits as his predecessors had. As a result of that, the
Jaheliat could make way to penetrate into the Islamic social system." (Tazdid
and Ahiyae Deen, P-33).
When revenge was demanded against the assassination of Hazrat Osman (R.), Hazrat Ali (R),
the fourth Caliph said addressing the people of Muyabia, "Now the situation is out of control. The punishment will certainly
be avenged in right time." But Mr. Moududi has said criticizing these words of Hazrat Ali (R), "Do justice, had you been
Muyabia, or had not been Muyabia, but an ordinary citizen of Syria, would you, in the context of stated background, consider
such words of Hazrat Ali as honestly intended, than being only a pretext, hesitation, hoax and denial?"(Tazalli, December,
The religious scholars of the sub-continent are strongly critical of such comments of Moulana
Moududi, but the Jamatis believe those to be true. The essays of Moududi are being propagated as correct interpretations and
theology of Quran and Hadith. Such books and interpretations of the Quran are being disseminated in a planned manner among
the modern educated people of the country including the students of schools, colleges, madrasas and universities. The pious
people having limited knowledge of Islam are being deluded by such objectionable and showy interpretations of Moulana Moududi
in the name of Islam.
The followers of Moududi describe him as the greatest Mujaddid of the world. It can not
be allowed. The conscious citizens of the country, and especially, the community of religious scholars, will have to take
the pioneer role in this regard. And it is the religious and moral duty of the community of Islamic scholars.
Opinion of the Community of the
Religious Scholars about Moududi
Jamat claims that all their activities are aimed at protecting Islam. Their ultimate and
real aim is to achieve publicity, expansion and establishment of Islam. They explain everything from Islamic standpoint. But
in practice, Jamat is a fascist circle masquerading Islam. The advent of Jamat took place in the beginning of the decade of
forties on the basis of the peculiar thoughts of Mr. Moududi. As an especial technique. Mr. Moududi annexed the name of Holy
Islam to the name of his party. Now we will venture to put forward in brief the views of a few leading and universally accepted
Alem (religious scholars) about Jamat and Moulana Moududi.
It has been said in a fatwa of Olema Keram of Dewband, The relationship that should be
maintained with Sahaba Keram and Imam-Mujtahid in order to keep linkage with relation, is hampered by the books and booklets
of Jamat. And it is certainly harmful for the religion of the Muslims. It is why the movement-Jamat, based upon the books
of Moududi is considered by us as fallacious and harmful for the Muslims. For that reason we declare total termination of
relationship with all that. (DuMasale, P-16).
In another fatwa awarded by Hazrat Moulana Syed Mahadi Hasan, the Chief Mufti of Darul
Ulum Dewband, it was said about Jamat that, Muslims should never participate in this movement. It is life-destroying venom
for them. People will have to be desisted from participating in this movement. Otherwise they will become Gomorrah. It is
harmful for them instead of their wellbeing. It is not at all Jayej (permissible) to participate in such movement from the
standpoint of Shariyat. One who furthers the aims and objectives of the Jamat, commits sins instead of virtues. He can not
keep himself safe from its harmful effects. And he invites man to sins. If any Imam of any mosque is a member of the Jamat
of Moududi, performing prayers behind him will be makruh. (Jamate Islami Ka Rukeh Kerder, P-168).
Harzrat Moulana Mohammad Yusuf, son and successor of Hazrat
Moulana Ilias, the founder of Tablig Jamat, has said in the context of discussion with a few members of the Jamat of
Moududi, "The Jamat of Moududi is a party of political power and greed. They expect such things which are not permissive in
shariat." (Jamate Islami Ka Ruken Kerder, pp. 41-42).
Hazrat Moulana Mostafa Khan Saheb Berelbi and Moulana Sayed Afzal Hossain Mufti, Darul
Ulum Manzarul Islam Berelbi, renowned religious scholars of the Berelbi Thoughts, awarded a fatwa about the Jamat of Moududi
and his thoughts. In that fatwa, they said, Basically, the movement of Moududi is nothing but finding faults with Islam, creation
of rifts among the Muslims, and kufri and kafri. He makes different meanings of Islam. He does not consider the common muslims
as muslims. (Fetnaye Moududiat, p.58).
Moulana Syed Mohammad Rezwan, another renowned religious scholar of Berelavi Thoughts,
has said about Moududi, on reading different quotations of Moulana Moududi, I have reached this opinion that his head is full
of discourtesy and insolence towards the universally respected scholars and Ambia keram. My appeal to world Muslims, be aware
of his faith and thoughts-ideas. Prophet (pbuh) has said, Before the appearance of the real Dazzal, thirty more Dazzals will
appear in order to make his path clear. In my view, Moududi is one of them. (Moududiat Ka Post Mortem. P.7).
Renowned Mohaddis Moulana Abdul Wahab, Chairperson of All India Ahle Hadis Conference says,
I request the Ahle Hadis brothers to protect themselves from this infectious disease. Else, this disease will destroy not
only them, but also the intire Ahle Hadis Jamat. .. We have to face courageously the Jamate Islami and have to indentify its
power. (Colour of Moududis Jamat, p.365).
Hazarat Maolana Faizullah Sabeb, Mufti of
Chittagong Hathazari Darul Ulum Madrasa, has issued a fatwa about the Jamat of Moududi. He has said in that, Moulana Moududi
entertains illusionary and faulty thoughts and ideas contrary to the principles and philosophy of Ahale Sunnat Waal Jamat.
The great prophets have not been spared from his insolent attack. Therefore, it is in no way permissible to move and keep
kinkajou with that party. (Do, p. 345).
Seventeen leading religious scholars of the then East Pakistan signed in agreement with
that fatwa of him. In the context of signing of that fatwa, Hazarat Maolana Tazul Islam of Brahmanbaria has written, I support
the views of Mufti Faizullah.
Renowned Muhaddis Hazarat Maolana Zakaria (R.) has written a book enriched with information,
and titled Fitnaye Moududiat about the Jamat of Moududi. He has, in that book of him, interpreted the anti-Islamic issues
of the Jamat of Moududi in the light of Quran and Hadith. In one place of his book, he has made comments about the Jamat of Moududi, "I consider joining this party to be haram. It is very harmful to read
their books."
Hazarat Maolana Samsul Haque Faridpuri, Principal of Lalbag Jamia Korania has written a
book tilted Corrigendum to warn that countrymen against the anti-Islamic thoughts and ideas of Jamat. In one place of the
book, he has written, "It will not be permissible for any Muslim to Join, and work in Jamat. Those who indulge in finding
faults with Sahaba Ekram, whoever they may be, it will certainly not be permissible to make them Imams and say prayers behind
them. Because, on account of finding faults with Sahaba Ekram, they have stood discarded from Ahale Sunnat Wal Jamat."
Hazrat Maolana Mohammad Ullah Hafezzee Huzur, founder of the Khelafat Movement, has written
a book titled Warning about the Jamat of Moududi. In that book, he has described the erratic philosophy of Moududi and Jamate
Islami as a fitna destroying the faith and religious belief of the Muslims. He has appealed to the Muslims to remain aloof
from this party masquerading Islam. More than four hundred leading Alem of Bangladesh agreed with this book of Hafezzee Huzur
and endorsed it with their signatures. Shayekhul Hadis Maolana Aziaul Haque is also among them. Besides, at the close of his
translation work of Bukhari Sharif, he has written 70 pages criticising the Jamat. Now, of course, he has made alliance with
the Jamat. What can be more surprising than that!
Hazarat Maolana Obaidul Haque, Khatib of Baitul Mukarram Mosque has remarked about the
Jamat of Moududi, Blindness is spreading among the ordinary and newly educated people through the illusionary books of him.
(Moududi Fitna, pp.35-36).
Mufti Fazlul Hoque Amini, Principal of Lalbag Jamia Korania Arabia Madrasa has said about
the Moududism, The Moududism on which the politics of Jamat is founded, that ism of Moududi has been expressed by our religious
scholars and spiritual leaders as illusionary. It is interesting that Mufti Amini has now made alliance with Jamat.
76 Imams and renowned Alems of Jalalabad Imam Samity have issued a fatwa about moulana
Moududi and his Jamate followers. In the at fatwa, they have said, Mr. Moududi is trying to introduce a new religion opposed
to Ahale Sunnat Wal Jamat. Threrefore, thousands of Olema, Mashaekh and Muftis of the sub-continent of all shades of opinions
and parties have declared Moududi as deviated, joinnin his party as haram and sying prayers behind Imams believing in the
Akida of Moududi as Makruheh Taharimi. (Fatwa dated 1-5-88 by Jalalabad Imam Samity).
Besides, other leading religious scholars of the sub-continent, who have written books
or given fatwas against religious business and illusionary ideas of Moududi and his Jamat in the name of the holy religion,
include renowned tafsirker Maolana Abdul Majid Dariabadi, former Jamat leader Maolana Amin Eslahi, Hazarat Maolana Golam Gaus
Hazarbi, Hazarat Maolana Mufti Mohammad Shafi, Hazarat Maloana Jafar Ahmed Osmani Hazarat Maolana Atahar Ali, Maolana Solaiman
Nadvee and others.
The aforesaid versions of the leading religious scholars of all shades of faith and path
in the sub-continent are amply clear. Those versions do not call for any explanation. They have expressed their thoughtful
opinions in a very lucid and plain language about the real colours of Moududi and his thoughts and ideas. The real colour
of Jamat putting on the mask of Islam, is not indistinct to all these religious leaders acknowledged all over the country.
That is why they have described Jamat as seriously harmful for the iman-akida of the Muslims. Not only the aforesaid religious
scholars, but also the genuine religious scholars of the sub-continent have expressed similar views about Jamat. Many of them
have written books in different languages against Jamat. It is not possible to mention all those in this limited space. We
are of the view that the aforesaid views of the religious leaders are enough for any truth-searching Muslim in the matter
of taking a decision about Jamat.
Jamat, in the mask of holy Islam, is a real reflection of fascist thoughts and ideas. Its
ultimate objective and aim is to ascend to the throne of power through appendage of reactionary power. The activities of last
sixty years of Jamat and its founder Moulana Moududi prove that exactly indeed. They have selected Holy Islam as a weapon
to achieve that objective. The architect of Jamat-e-Islam, Moulana Moududi, in his early life used Islam in the interest of
Nizam of Haidarabad. Islam was his only weapon during the collaboration with British colonial power. He abused the Congress
and its leaders in the name of Islam. He used the same weapon while opposing the Muslim League, its leaders and Pakistan.
He used Islam on the one hand as a weapon to oppose the awarding of social status to women, and on the other hand, in the
decade of sixties, to support Ms Fatima Jinnah in the preseidential election of Pakistan. It is in the name of Islam that,
Moulana Moududi described democracy as cursed. Again uttering the name of Holy Islam, he said that democracy is the essence
of Islam. Islam was the weapon of Jamat to oppose our Liberation War. It is again in the name of Islam, that Jamat collaborated
with the Pakistan occupation forces in plundering, rape of women and killing of innocent people. At one stage, their own workers
were made to start killing of the Bangalis with the signboards of Razakar and Al-badar. And they say, they did all that to
establish Islam in this country and to save Pakistan. During the days of Liberation War, the slogan of the Jamatees was, Islam
can not be saved unless Pakistan can be protected in this part of the sub-continent. India will occupy Bangladesh. Signs of
Islam and Muslims will not be there in this country. But Jamat could not prevent the independence of Bangladesh in spite of
their all whole-hearted effort. Bangladesh have become independent. India has not occupied this country. They are as they
had been before. This proves how much dishonest and politically motivated and hypocritical are the slogans of Jamat in the
name of Holy Islam. That is why, the leading religious leaders of the sub-continent issued fatwa in one voice that Moududi'
thoughts and ideas in the name of Islam are illusionary. Jamat of Moududi is a discarded ferka. It is hundred percent obligatory
for the Muslims to keep aloof from Jamat. It is not permissible to sa prayers behind followers of Moududi.
Islam is a religion of peace, justice, fraternity and equality. Jamat-Shibir is opposed
to the Islam of that doctrine. They want to set ablaze the fire of unrest. Their aim is to turn Bangladesh, a Pakistan. The
Jamatees will not hesitate to shed the blood of Bangalis again in the name of Holy Islam as the did in 1971. Those who use
religion for the dishonest purposes of attaining the selfish and mean individual, collective and party interests, are actually
the enemies of Islam. So it is obligatory for every Muslim to oppose Jamat.
: JAMAAT UNMASKED, The colour of a Fundamentalist
Party, Published by The Council of National Religious Scholars